Week 3 Recap- When the going gets tough… JERF!

Hi Rebooters,

Hope everyone had a great week! I was a bit up and down this week. The random weather really caused havoc with my arthritis and I’ve had flu symptoms all week which are probably due to introducing some intermittent fasting into my diet at the request of my dietician and doctor.

I was diagnosed with insulin resistance a few months ago and we are trying natural processes to help get it under control. So far it seems to be working but whoooooooo baby am I grumpy. I’m not proud to admit this but at one point I stayed in bed until 12:30pm (feeding time) on the dot as I couldn’t face getting up and not eating. #dramaticmuch. I know that this will help me in getting my insulin levels more normalised but when you are hungry, rational thought doesn’t really seem to matter.

I was super prepared to be craving things this week as I started my fasting periods however it’s had the opposite result! I’m SOOOO satisfied after lunch that I’m not looking for food around 3pm. I also am ravenous at dinner (rare for me) and really enjoying my food so I’m not even wanting my healthy snacks for an after dinner treat.
Most importantly, when I wasn’t fasting I stuck to my meal plan and it felt really easy and normal this week. I drank lots of my chicken stock as my flu symptoms lingered but I didn’t reach for unhealthy quick fixes and I was so proud! Even my hubby commented on how much I wasn’t snacking so for him to notice it must be true! He was just happy as all the protein balls and whole food muffins were up for grabs! He was like a shopper on a Black Friday muffin frenzy.

The first food I reintroduced was some Coal Coast Sourdough for my gluten product. I didn’t feel bloated after however I did feel a bit sluggish. This may have been from the fasting so I’m going to sporadically eat some and see how I go. I also had some Greek yoghurt which I had taken out of my breakfast shakes for the Reset phase. This is about as much dairy as I normally eat although I had a clean iced coffee (ice, coffee, milk, coconut nectar) from Opus Coffee Brewers and felt fine. I guess it’s all about balance and listening to your body.
My focus for the coming week is to stick to my meal plan whilst incorporating my fasting. I know it might seem a bit full on to try the Real Food Reboot AND do intermittent fasting but I don’t do anything by halves. It’s actually easier in many ways because one is making me stick the the guidelines of the other and vice versa.
Please talk to a doctor, dietician or even better Steph before you start adding anything like intermittent fasting into your diet plan. I just couldn’t be honest about my week without mentioning it. You all have so much to focus on already so don’t think you have to add this in too! It’s just where my diet is at the moment and we are all different and that’s ok!

My meal plan is a little different this week however I’m still really looking forward to trying out new nourishing recipes and continuing to stick to my plan.Good luck this week everyone!

Sar. Xx

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